Who is DonorConnect?

DonorConnect is the organization that connects donors with recipients. We facilitate, coordinate, educate, honor, and advocate for donors and donor families so that one day no one on a transplant waiting list dies or is limited from the lack of a life-saving organ or tissue.


In our constant pursuit of excellence, we give hope and heal lives through organ, tissue, and eye donation.


We envision a day when the transformative power of organ, tissue, and eye donation inspires all to choose donation. Through the generosity of donors and their families, coupled with the expertise of our dedicated staff, we create a lasting ripple effect of hope and healing.

Who is DonorConnect?

DonorConnect is the organization that connects donors with recipients. We facilitate, coordinate, educate, honor, and advocate for donors and donor families so that one day no one on a transplant waiting list dies or is limited from the lack of a life-saving organ or tissue.

Without the organ donor, there is no story, no hope, no transplant. But when there is an organ donor, life springs from death, sorrow turns to hope, and a terrible loss becomes a gift.

Heidi’s Living Kidney Story
Stories of Hope

Heidi’s Living Kidney Story

“I'm a little nervous about this. I'm nervous for surgery and I've got a few living donors that might come forward and they've kind of been nervous.  Well, what we...
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Tay Tay Tough
Stories of Hope

Tay Tay Tough

Three-year-old Tayzli Hale loved dancing, singing, playing with her brothers, and she loved to ride horses. Three years ago, Tayzli was thrown from her horse when an approaching car spooked the anima…
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Lisa and Henry
Stories of Hope

Lisa and Henry

Park City Fire District Engineer Henry Evans has run into many burning buildings to save strangers. So when his cousin went into renal failure and needed a kidney, Henry responded without hesitation. And Henry volunteered..
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Every day, the generosity of donors and their families throughout the United States touches the lives of thousands of people in need.

Organs Donors
Organs Transplanted
Tissue and Eye Gifts

UNOS, 2021

Give Hope.Heal Life.

Check out the latest blogs

MLK Days of Service

MLK Days of Service

Multi-cultural Outreach Specialist Rufus Tolbert had a couple of events in January where DonorConnect was able to be of service in honor of Martin Luther Kings effort to unify communities...
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Kidney Donation saved my life

Kidney Donation saved my life

My name is Bruce Tippets and a kidney donation saved my life. I’m headed to the National Kidney Foundation Summit in D.C. for the second straight year, which is different from...
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Living Donors make up a small portion of all organ donations. It takes a special type of person to want to donate a part of themselves to save another.
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